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Mankind is stuck in a primitive Socio-Economic system - only billionaires benefit from it, in a short-term...
Most people aren't given skills to question the system, or their own evolutionary baggage
People are unaware of the potential, that Science and Technology have, to transform our reality and allow us to build our own Paradise
People are forced to waste their lives on different religions, patriotism, democracy, capitalism, socialism and all other Unscientific Dogmas...
The only solution is: "Global Socio-Economic system must be based on SCIENTIFIC METHOD, Scientific Thinking and Scientific Worldview"
Everything in our society should only be based on the SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY
We could build robots to do all the work - so that We could focus our precious time on Arts, Science, Sports and Educating Children
We could create technology to live forever
We could colonize the Universe (to ensure survival of Intelligent Life)
We could create a system where Altruism is always more beneficial than being a parasite...
But the most important thing to understand is that "Socio-Economic system must be DESIGNED and SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED" (imagine a Space Station or a Mars colony - always start with a "test city" instead of a revolution...!)
And obviously, same idea applies to a Human Value System - everyone needs to be qualified, everyone needs to have Scientific Thinking skills (for example: Admitting Truth might be uncomfortable, but it's better than continuing to be wrong)
Because we don't want to keep living in a "Modern Slavery", that benefits billionaires...
A single MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY can take place in the next 100 years - Mankind is about to transition from a primitive, parasitic society, to a World of unlimited potential, a Paradise, built with our Own Intelligence...